Gift Certificate Information

Common gift certificates in Katsushika Ward

The "Katsushika Ward Common Gift Certificates" issued by the Federation of Katsushika Ward Shopping Street Promotion Associations can be used at all stores in Katsushika Ward that have a sticker for handling them.
The "Katsushika City Common Gift Certificates" can be purchased at events in the shopping arcades in Katsushika City.
Please note that the gift certificates have an expiration date, so please use them within this period.

Katsushika Premium Gift Certificates

With the support of Katsushika Ward, the Federation of Katsushika Ward Shopping Streets is issuing regional "Katsushika Premium Gift Certificates" with the aim of supporting consumers and revitalizing shopping streets in Katsushika Ward.
One set of these tickets costs 10,000 yen and allows you to purchase 12,000 yen worth of goods, making them very economical. The tickets can be used at many stores in the ward, including retail stores, restaurants, service providers, and large stores.
For more details, please visit the website.